This is a page that tells you all about the history of the clans. Here is all you need to need to know about the Clans.

Super Cats :  The Super Cats came to exist from StarClan as wars raged on and kits killed leaders. They have the power to kill anyone, even leaders, or bring cats back to life, they are: Mistheart, Rainpath, Firestar, Dovetail, and Lostsong.

Legend :  These are cats that have unique abilitys or special status. The status's are Gold Seals that let you live forever, Silver Seals that let you live for a longer amount (it's different for each) and Dark Seals, that mean you are evil.                  The Abilitys will also be different for each cat.



Long ago in the old Clans, all was not well. Death fell everywhere and evil-minded kits and crule-thinking warriors poisened and wiped out entire Clans. StarClan began to take note and look upon the Warrior Clans with dismay. Without a way to help, the Clans were going to extinct each other. Then they had an idea; why not have living cats help them?. So the sought out the most pure-hearted of the cats and gave them each an ability. To

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